I'm not sure if there is much new to write about. I'm still doing the same things--studying, reading, writing, spending time with friends, eating amazing food, enjoying London to the fullest-- yet even though it's all the same, life just feels so exciting here all the time! :)
This was *some* of my reading for last week alone (!) |
I've been SO busy recently, between readings, meetings, beginning to look for jobs, etc. Reading seems to have tripled, but what's new. At least most of it is really enjoyable! I recently became the Student Representative for International MA students in the English department. I get to attend meetings where I'm actually face to face with people who make decisions and make things happen in the English department. I get to tell them what I (and my peers) like and don't like, how things are working--such as dissertation workshops--if they're effective, or how they could be more so. It's really fun to actually be heard and be able to make a difference, and to sort of see behind the curtain how these ideas, changes, policies, etc. come about.
I also had my first meeting with my dissertation supervisor this week. It went really well and she was very helpful. Now I've got about 25 books to go read in the library (!), but I feel a bit relieved that I think she'll be very helpful through this process. Now all I have to do is find a few spare weeks/months to do all of this reading/research. ha.
Things like dinner with these lovely ladies gets me through the crazy busyness of what my weeks are!
(These girls are all also on the English: 1850-Present course with me) |
Perfect Friday night cuddled up with some wine and friends :) |
Caught a gorgeous glimpse of Somerset house one night |
Ventured to Brick Lane for some SUPERCHEAP Indian food! |
The most beautiful day... |
London has experienced a few days in the 50's recently, nearly 60 with sun one day, and they were amazing! ...but then it drops back into the below-freezing temperatures and turns really gray and miserable for days again... I don't really like being teased by Spring. Nevertheless, I've become at least somewhat of a Londoner in that these rare days are very exciting, and I do rush outside like everyone else to lay in the sun--yes, when it's in the 50's...I can just hear all my Texas friends laughing :) Last week it was nearly 60 and sunny and I walked across the bridge from my flat to this walkway that looks across at parliament. I found an empty bench and read for hours; it was just heavenly! When there was no breeze I was almost too HOT sitting there! Imagine that! However, I now haven't seen the sun in four or five days...and tomorrow it's supposed to snow :-/
This was my gorgeous reading spot for the day :) |
View from the bridge of the bank where I was reading |
Someone else thinks it's Spring too!.. they've started planting all kinds of beautiful things in the courtyard of my flat!
The windows on the left are my living room & kitchen, so I get to see these pretty flowers all the time :) It's not
quite the SMU landscaping...but I still enjoy it immensely! |
I couldn't live without a real coffee maker anymore... Thanks
to Gumtree, for 15 pounds I'm now feeling American again :) |
In the most exciting news ever...MY MOM IS COMING TO VISIT at the end of this month! I cannot wait! So much more exciting blog starring my mother coming soon!