February is one of my favorite months for three reasons: 1) My birthday! 2) Valentines Day and 3) the (un)official color of the month is Pink!!
This is my third birthday away from home, and it really couldn't have been more perfect. Last year I was in Ohio, and the year before I was in Italy. I'm getting to like celebrating somewhere new with all new people every year..kind of exciting!

This year February 6 was pretty much the most perfect, most Londony, most "me" day I could have imagined. I spent the morning making pancakes (though here pancakes basically means crepes), because it's a family tradition. Since my first birthday my dad has always made me a pancake in the shape of the number of the age I was turning. I couldn't let that stop at 24--though I think the last two years they may have made a pancake in my honor and skyped me--so I made pancakes! I had one with smoked salmon and cream cheese for lunch, and just pampered myself all day :)
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Bday dinner prepared by Ames! |
Ames & me @ Phantom |
That evening I went to my friend Ames' flat where she cooked us a yummy dinner, then we made our way to Phantom of the Opera! I had only seen the show once in Dallas in 2006, and the production just wasn't that great, but the venue (Fair Park) is probably to blame in my opinion. However, I've always wanted to see it again, and Ames had never seen it. Needless to say we both LOVED it. On our way out we started to walk past the stage door, but I just couldn't do it...just couldn't see a London production of Phantom of the Opera and not get my playbill signed. So we waited at the door with only a few other people and met Carlotta, Christine, Raul (I think?)...and then waited ages for the Phantom to come out. We almost left a few times because it was SO cold, but good thing we didn't!
Waiting for Phantom to start! |
Marcus Lovett (THE PHANTOM) & me! |
When the Phantom, Marcus Lovett, finally came out of the stage door he was THE absolute friendliest, kindest, most thankful and appreciative person that I've ever met! He spent time talking to each person who had waited to see him, asked a bit about them, their story, and signed each playbill with their name. When he got to me, he asked my name, started to sign, then Ames said "It's her birthday!"...at which point he stopped and said he would be right back, he had to go back inside to get me a birthday present! When he returned he had a big beautiful playbill with big glossy pictures from the shows throughout, and he had written a birthday note on the front: "Dearest Ali, Thank you so much for sharing your birthday with us. Love, Marcus Lovett." LIFE. MADE. (!!!) I was, needless to say, the happiest person on Earth. He chatted to us a bit about being from the States (he is from NY), the show, living in London, our masters program, and Twitter. As soon as I got home I Facetimed my parents, and in the middle of the call got a text from Ames saying that HE TWEETED ME! ...yep, I got a happy birthday message from the Phantom of the Opera. I tweeted a thank-you-message back, and he replied, wishing me good luck in my English lit. masters. WOW. Perfect birthday.

Bday dinner with everyone! |
But it didn't end there; I got a two-day birthday! The next evening I had dinner with some wonderful friends that I've made here. I adore playing hostess, so I held a little drinks-and-apps for anyone who could make it before dinner--with champagne, smoked salmon, fruit, chocolate, cheeses and bread-- and then proceeded to an Italian restaurant in Leicester Square. Dinner was so much fun; I loved being with all these great people I've met here, and I can't believe I didn't even know them 8 months ago. Anyway, it was a blast, I had a giant, delicious pizza, a cupcake with a candle--which Ames stealthily snuck into the restaurant!-- and the accompaniment of "Happy birthday" to serenade me, followed by tiramisu! An indulgent birthday for sure, but wonderful.
Camilla & Ames, my fellow English Lit. girls! |
SO happy with my birthday cupcake! |
Then it was back to work for school, though I must say it only borders on feeling like "work" these days because I'm just enjoying what I'm doing so much. I LOVE my classes, and it makes such a difference to last semester. I'm just so happy, and feel like I could just read, study, and discuss this material all day for the rest of my life and probably never tire.
Rachel, me & Courtney @ Courtney's b'day. They're my
fellow Mexican-food-lovers, from AZ! |
Perfect V'day dinner! |
Then came Valentine's Day! I love Valentines Day, and just thinking about those we love--though it's much more fun in the States I think, as it's just more celebrated...more candy, more pink, more hearts, more decorations, etc. Seems to be just flowers here. Last year, you may know, was a really difficult Valentine's Day for me. But this year I look back at where I was a year ago and can only think of how far I've come and how much I've grown, and I know that I owe it all to my incredibly supportive family and friends. They kept me afloat, laughing, strong, and believing in myself and my dreams, and now thanks to them I'm living my dream. So this Valentine's Day I spent the day thinking how grateful and blessed I am to be surrounded by those people. Then, on the evening of Valentine's Day, my friend Rachel made a TON of THE most amazing sugar cookies I've ever had in little heart shapes, and we ordered Thai food, had some wine and watched a silly chick flick. It was so much fun! Delicious thai food, good talks, mediocre chick flick, flowing wine, and an overindulgence of cookies... is there really anything better?!
The rest of February consists of a lot of reading, researching, studying, and of course exporing! I still love just wandering around different areas of the city when I get the chance, and lately we've had a few days where it's been nearly 50 degrees and sunny--practically summer (haha). But those days where you don't have to wear a giant scarf AND gloves AND a hat AND 10 layers, but instead two layers and a pea coat (rather than a giant down winter coat) and a regular scarf, and can just put your hands in your pockets...those days are perfect for exploring (though I'm SO craving summer...sun, legitimately warm weather, a tan(!!)). The other day I walked to school and then continued down Fleet street, as it turned into a million different streets, past St. Pauls, and nearly into the downtown, then walked across the bridge to London Bridge. I have a million more places on my list to explore, and will of course update here in time!
I forgot to mention...I made it to Chinatown for Chinese New Year! Pretty cool!..and delicious!
Haven't seen Tower Bridge in ages...never go that far East..so it was a nice treat to see. |
Sun makes all the difference! |
Look at that sun :) |